


Slimy Bodies

Slithering Shapes

Surprise Your Step

I’m afraid of death


Drive Off A Cliff

Tall Bridges

Fall To The Ground

I’m afraid of death

Tight Places

Walls Caving In

Locked In Small Places


I’m afraid of death


I Love Living

What is afterlife like?

Will I be alone?

God’s Grace


Corner of my eye

Hand placed on the ground

Steps in tall grass

I Lived


Mountain Drive

Driven on tall bridges

Hiked to the top of mountains

I Lived

Tight Places

Tight Elevators

Cave Walking

Eight Hour Plane Ride

I Lived


What do I do with emotions?

What is going on in my head?

Why am I so angry?

I can recognize my emotions

Self-righteous thoughts

I don’t understand?

What does it mean for you?

I can name my emotions

Notice my body

What do I need?

What do you need?

Show compassion

I can be calmed

I can be in the moment

I can breathe deeply

At one with God


Collective Care





Honest Intention

A Meal




I name my fear

I am curious about…

I ask for tools to help

I am vulnerable

I am not silent

We share stories

We study each other

We feel understood


Bias Interrupted

Who are you?

Where did you grow up?

Where do you work?

I don’t understand.

Help me understand.

Who am I?

How do we trust each other?

How do you see me?



Listening looks like…

Understanding humanity behind the words

Words cover my true feelings

Feelings provide direction and help me to be vulnerable

Vulnerably, I show up and listen

Listening is a pathway to tolerance

Tolerance stops me from judging

Judgement is not listening

Listening builds empathy

Empathy validates and builds community

Community brings long term harmony

My Home is a Privilege

Why did you ring our doorbell at 2:00 am?

The coldest night of the year

I woke with a start at your call

My heart beat with the rhythm of your insistent ringing

What did you need?

My husband woke certain your call was a doorbell malfunction due to the cold

My heart kept beat with your rhythm until 4:00 am

Then I lost you

I know you were at our house

I found your gum

I followed your footprints to the end of the driveway

I am sorry I didn’t answer your call

I was scared I was going to be killed

I think of you today, I hope you got the help you needed

Class Privilege

As the co-signer you need 6 times the monthly rent in your saving/checking account

Come on in we’ll test you now

Seven grocery stores in an eight mile radius

No outlet, dead end

Yes, of course get a second opinion

I was hungry

Private road, no through traffic

May I see your insurance card?

I have the ingredients

Dead end, private road no trespassing

Stephanie Blatchley is a Fellow of A Year of Courageous Conversations to explore how to foster greater inclusion and belonging in our communities. The series is presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House in Barrington, Illinois. To read more, visit CourageousConversations.us.

(Photo Credit: Christina Noël)