My journey, to have that ONE courageous conversation
The path was cleared by knocking down my fears, biases and prejudices
My soul was nurtured with mindfulness, gratitude, and curiosity
I worked to understand how the prejudices of my life separate me from others
I named my beliefs, actions and sense of entitlement that cause harm to my neighbors
Friendships and community with kindred spirits developed
My desire, to have that ONE courageous conversation
The study, self-examination and reflection were exhilarating
The trail wound through the forest of understanding
My wayfaring body and mind felt strong
But the path led me to a gorge cut into the earth by bigotry, I was alone
There was no bridge or crossing and the walls too sheer to climb down
Standing at the precipice I felt anger, “This is where the path led me?”
I didn’t reach my destination
My intention was to have that ONE courageous conversation
However, as the sun set gorgeously over the chasm beautiful colors danced across the sky
I reflected, I did have that ONE courageous conversation
Not with the person I intended to speak with but with the person who was ready to listen
I am ready to build community around curiosity and accountability
I followed the loop trail back to the trailhead
My spirit was lifted, a community was waiting
I would not travel alone but with other courageous migrants
Ready to build bridges across ravines of bigotry
We each carry the map in our pockets as we travel a path to courageous conversations
Stephanie Blatchley is a Fellow of A Year of Courageous Conversations to explore how to foster greater inclusion and belonging in our communities. The series is presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House in Barrington, Illinois. To read more, visit
(Photo Credit: Linda M. Barrett)