For our next session, The Art of Listening on December 11th at Barrington’s White House, we welcome two guest experts, Dr. Nancy Burgoyne and Dr. Jacob Goldsmith, of The Family Institute at Northwestern University.
Nancy Burgoyne, Ph.D.
Jacob Goldsmith, Ph.D.
Nancy Burgoyne, Ph.D. is the chief clinical officer and vice president of Clinical Services at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. Dr. Burgoyne is a licensed clinical psychologist and a marriage and family therapist. Dr. Burgoyne is part of the teaching faculty in the Marriage and Family Therapy program in the Center for Applied Psychological and Family Studies, and is a clinical lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern University. Her clinical interests include: life stage transitions, personal/existential/identity exploration and cultural transition. Dr. Burgoyne has been a behavioral health professional for over 25 years, is an LGB/TQ+ ally and is committed to approaching her work with cultural humility. Read more about her work here.
Jacob Goldsmith, Ph.D. is the clinical director of the Psychotherapy Change Project at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. A licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Goldsmith leads a team that creates and studies tools for integrating empirical information into therapy practice. He has a passion for work with emerging adults on identity development, and has been privileged to speak and consult nationally and internationally, including a TEDxRush talk called “Embracing Pluralism: The Future of Relationships.”