How does our spending and giving align with our values? How can we be more conscientious consumers and investors? A virtual conversation about ways we can each be a part of creating a more inclusive economy, with guests Marguerite H. Griffin, Northern Trust; Jessica Droste Yagan, Impact Engine; and Sam Yagan, ShopRunner for A Year of Courageous Conversations presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House. Introduction by Jessica Swoyer Green & Dr. Zina Jacque.
Over generations, policies & practices have led to people of different races & incomes living separately from one another. What are the costs? Kendra Freeman of Metropolitan Planning Council shares findings from the Cost of Segregation report for the seventh session of A Year of Courageous Conversations presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House. Introduction by Claire Nelson & Dr. Zina Jacque.
The following video was screened in the room before the presentation of the data, but does not appear in the event video due to copyright rules. To watch, click below:
How should we respond to discrimination when we encounter it? What does it mean to be a good upstander? Jenan Mohajir of Interfaith Youth Core leads the sixth session of A Year of Courageous Conversations presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House. Introduction by Jessica Green & Dr. Zina Jacque.
Filmed by Delack Media Group (February 12, 2020)
We are born with wide eyes of wonder—but this curiosity can fade with age. How do we keep our fervor for learning & adapting to the changing world around us? How can we disrupt our biases? We gather for the third session of A Year of Courageous Conversations led by guest expert Dr. Arin N. Reeves. Introduction by Jessica Green & Dr. Zina Jacque. Presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House.
Filmed by Delack Media Group (November 13, 2019)
Our lives are stressful and busy, and our anxiety can impact our social interactions, especially those with whom we disagree. In our second session of A Year of Courageous Conversations, we learn from guest expert Dr. Krista Robinson-Lyles of Nextions how can we practice mindfulness to bring our attention to the present moment, allow ourselves to think and breathe, and create space between ourselves and our reactions. Introduction by Jessica Swoyer Green & Dr. Zina Jacque. Presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House.
Filmed by Delack Media Group (October 9, 2019)
What does it mean to have courage? What are we afraid of? In our first session of A Year of Courageous Conversations, we learn from guest expert Dr. Arin N. Reeves of Nextions about the neuroscience of fear & courage, what is really going on inside our brains, and what tools & techniques we can use to respond when fear blocks our progress. Introduction by Jessica Swoyer Green & Dr. Zina Jacque. Presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House.
Filmed by Delack Media Group (September 11, 2019)