KristaTippett credit Chris Daniels.jpg

Can’t wait to welcome Krista Tippett of On Being and The Civil Conversations Project to Barrington on May 23! Good news/bad news: The event is sold out with a waiting list. But we look forward to sharing a few key takeaways here on our blog after the event!

T H E   A D V E N T U R E   O F   C I V I L I T Y

Who will we be to each other?

Thursday, May 23, 2019, 6:30pm

Barrington, Illinois

Our young century is awash with urgent questions of survival, of meaning, of how we structure our common life and who we are to each other. And yet it seems we are more divided than ever before — unable to listen and speak across the differences we must engage to create the world we want for ourselves and our children. 

Krista Tippett's public radio show & podcast, On Being, brings a vast range of voices to the animating questions at the center of life: What does it mean to be human, and how do we want to live? Her Civil Conversations Project has focused these questions on public life, in practical terms, for communities from the deep south to Harvard Law School. 

She will speak with us about how we can all shape our presence to this moment we inhabit and begin to create the conversations we want to be hearing, where we live.
