What’s our future in Philadelphia?
Thanks to Knight Foundation, we’ve found our groove & our tribe. Our greatest strength is connecting diverse intergenerational changemakers who are passionate about their city, hungry to do development differently, and are looking to learn from & collaborate with people who share their values.
After moving around to many community spaces around the city, we’re ready for a home. We’ve also been asked to host more cross-city learning experiences, neighborhood dialogues, and on-demand media (video/podcast) to connect people working on the same challenges & opportunities in different places.
The Opportunity:
After convening diverse guests at locations around the city, the Urban Consulate seeks to create a mini “city lobby” to introduce people, projects & ideas transforming Philadelphia & other cities.
The Space:
Designed with a welcoming, old-school embassy vibe, the space will host public conversations, meetings, interview sessions, co-working & drop-in hours.
An on-site gallery, library, directory & video display will offer information & connections for visitors looking to learn & engage. An ambassador will answer questions & make referrals to creative community initiatives in Philadelphia and other cities.
We have the talent & content! Now all we need is to bring it to life in a walkable & accessible space that invites diverse, intergenerational changemakers together.
Proposed Activation:
Proposed Duration: 3-6 months
Proposed Timeframe: Spring-Fall 2019
Weekly parlor talks & public open hours
Prospective Locations:
Cherry Street Pier
Arts & Crafts Holdings
Neighborhood storefronts (tbd)
Center for Architecture & Design
Public parks, markets, libraries & historic houses (Free Library, Bartram’s Garden & more)
Estimated Budget:
3-month activation: $50,000
6-month activation: $80,000
City Fieldtrips:
After hosting 2-3 day exchanges in Philadelphia & Detroit, we’ve been asked to offer more. curated trips to/from Philadelphia to introduce urban changemakers across cities.
The objective: For emerging innovators, who may not have the organizational budgets to register for all the national conferences, to learn about creative neighborhood-based projects and meet their “twins” in other cities.
Past urban exchanges have included 3 elements: 1) a public forum, with speaking opportunities for guests to share their work; 2) personal introductions to local innovators, and 3) curated site visits led by knowledgeable local hosts. To this, we’d like to add publication of insights & takeaways.
Estimated Budget:
City Fieldtrip: $25,000
Delegation: 15 guests
Duration: 2-3 days
Travel Stipend Fund:
We are interested in offering more learning & exchange opportunities to emerging changemakers who may not have the benefit of larger organizational budgets for professional development.
To this end, we seek to create a Travel Stipend Fund to provide small $1,000-2,000 scholarships for “Urban Envoys” who will be asked to share:
The challenge they are working to address
The “city twin” person/project from whom they wish to learn
Three insights & takeaways to share afterwards with their community
Estimated Budget:
Travel Stipend Fund: $25,000
Monthly Stipends: $2,000/mo (+ admin)
The Concept:
A series that eavesdrops on cross-city conversations between people working on the same problem in different places.
Each episode, guests from Philadelphia, Detroit, New Orleans & other cities trade sticking points, solutions, obstacles & encouragements —the human story of working to make better places.
The goal, as with all Consulate programs, is to share knowledge, ask critical questions, and find wisdom and solidarity in common challenges.
The Interest:
We’ve heard strong interest from our Consulate followers to do more broadcasting of our city conversations, so that even if they miss an event, they can learn from dialogues on-demand.
The Consulate team has media experience, with three members who have worked in journalism & publishing, and a deep bench of smart, creative talent. Some examples of media work to date:
In 2017, we teamed with StoryCorps to produce a collection of interviews about the city, with one segment syndicated nationally on public radio.
In 2016, we produced a 3-part video series, Change & The City, featuring thought leaders in Philadelphia, Detroit & New Orleans, selected for a citywide film festival.
We livestream our public conversations, working with MILO Digital in Detroit & Witty Gritty in Philadelphia, that reach 500-1,000 viewers.
We serve as a regular source for city publications & platforms scouting urban stories & speakers. We also often coordinate media interviews & writing/speaking opportunities for our guests.
When we surveyed Consulate followers, we asked about interest in virtual connections, online content & cross-city discussion formats. Online webinars ranked low. But there is strong interest for peer-to-peer introductions & conversations.
Pilot season of 12 episodes
Curated themes & guests, popular topics
Professional producer/editor
Media partner/distributor
Live conversations / listening events
Pilot Season of 12 episodes: $48,000